Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Due on Tue. Feb 24

Please bring to class:

45 thumbnails of your sequential pieces. (That equals out to 15 different versions of your idea.)

We will have a heavy critique in class. Plus a demo or two.

re: New Title

Love the new header image. ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shakespeare Poster

Shakespeare Version 2

Version two, added the fourth part of the Jester hat, and fixed the tusks to be darker/more dingy.

Shakespeare revisions (sort of)

The Tempest revisions

Shakespeare Poster Revisions

Heavy, heavy revisions since the last time this was seen. I wanted a much more dramatic feel to things and decided to completely redo the 'castle' at the summit of the cliff. I played around with type for a while until I found a combo that I liked and utilized a quote made by Macbeth during Act I Scene III (if I remember correctly...) that seemed to fit the mood of the composition. I hope everyone will agree that this is far better than its predecessor! :-P

romeo and juliet finished poster

Othello- Fin

I think I'm done. Any suggestions people have are more than welcome at this point.: )

Monday, February 16, 2009

For this post I retouched a few spots that looked too grainy to me, and removed the white line around the face. I decided to keep the layer above the painting (texture of a rock) even though that part was not painted, I felt the piece was better with it then without it.

Jade Stevens- Assignment #3: Shakespeare Poster (Revised)

Shakespeare poster update

Hi. Worked on suggestions. My changes are pretty subtle. Hopefully I got rid of that white line. Worked on Romeo's forehead and I think it's better. Added touches of highlights into the liquid and picked a new font for the heading.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chad Sutton -- Macbeth Poster

Made some adjustments to it. Fixed the title at the bottom, and worked on finishing her and cleaning her up a bit more.

If you see this in the next few days or so and spot something to critique, please feel free to comment. I'll probably send this in for the gallery if it's all right. But lemme know if you spot something I missed! Thanks. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shakespeare Poster

Antony & Cleopatra

assignment #3 Shakespeare

redone duo tone guitar


Well, here's the base illustration. I'm not sure how to do the text- there's two options so far for placement. Those are linked below!

And here are the links to text placement...
Option 1
Option 2

Any suggestions on style of text... more than welcome.

Shakespeare Poster

I'll admit, I'm a little embarrassed to post this "work-in-progress". Other things have come up over the course of the last week, illness notwithstanding, and I've not worked on this piece as much as I should have. Obviously, the sword needs more work, the mountainside needs some actual painting and tonality, and the castle at the top needs some texture and detail work. The text is just place-holder stuff for now, to give an idea of where I was intending to put the final copy. The groundwork is definitely in place for something strong, I just need more time to finish it.

Julius Ceasar

This is my Shakespeare Julius Ceasar poster. Overall, I'm pretty happy with most of it.

shakespeare poster

Here is my real poster. I dont know why the other one is blue.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Due on Tue. February 10

Please post your Shakespeare Posters to the blog before class.

I'm excited to see them!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Duo gutiar

Duotone Assignment

Was going to do 3 but didn't. I don't feel I'm doing great with Painter yet, but I'm starting to see some possibilities.

Cady B Duo Color #2

Alright, this has been updated now. The wings were changed/made less "cloud-like"

Assignment #2 Duotone

Duo Tone

Purple and Red

Molli Duotone

hmm...Well...the idea was there, but the execution....Not my favorite work. Felt like I was kinda fighting this piece the whole time. But it worked out more or less in the end.

Two Color Assignment

Duotone Assignment - update 2/8/2008

As per the class's suggestions, I pulled some of the yellow tones into the shirt and cleaned up the lines on the shirt to make it look more "finished". I also lightened up the eyes a bit, but not so much as to make the feller look 'alive'. Lastly, I threw in a bit of spittle around the mouth as I was detailing the teeth to make him look a bit more feral.
i liked the end result of this and i'm really starting to like corel painter

Sun Flower

Edit: Updated with new photo!

Original Piece

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monster Boy

I feel like he needs a background, but I can't think of what I should put. I also really want a tablet now. Working on just a laptop mousepad doesn't quite cut it.

Jade Stevens- Assignment #2: Color Duo

Eh, well, here it is. This was the best I could do, given I could only get down to the CNM last Friday and on Monday... I suppose it looks alright.